I recently had the pleasure of shooting Taylor and Raleigh’s wedding in sunny Austin, Texas. It was a bit warm outdoors, so the ceremony and reception were both held inside a beautiful resort with great natural light available for much of the day. The couple were very accommodating, allowing me to photograph each of them getting ready before the big event.

Taylor gets her hair made up.

A relaxed moment before the final preparations.

Raleigh making sure he’s on schedule.

Because of the way the day was arranged I was able to shoot the bridal portraits before the ceremony.
An 18 person bridal party with 300 guests – one of the largest weddings I’ve photographed.
The happy couple at the close of the ceremony…
…and a romantic moment during their portrait session.
When the sun went down everyone went to the windows to watch a fireworks display.
A Texas wedding still life.

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