Log Cabin Winter Wedding : Tara + Shawn

Log Cabin Winter Wedding >  Tara + Shawn had their wedding ceremony and reception at the Log Cabin in Holyoke. While it was technically a winter wedding with the chilly weather to accompany [...]

Quonquont Farm Wedding : Ashley + Jason

Quonquont Farm Wedding >  Ashley + Jason celebrated their wedding at the beautiful Quonquont Farm in Whately with their first look, ceremony, and reception all on site. They each arrived [...]

Eric Carle Museum Wedding : Zara + Will

Eric Carle Museum Wedding >  Zara + Will were married in an outdoor ceremony at the Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, followed by a reception at the nearby Eric Carle Museum. They began their [...]

Not Your Parents’ Wedding Photographer

I was recently contacted by a local blog who asked to do a profile of my business. I was intrigued by the request and was interested to read what they would write. They interviewed me and I can [...]

Delaney House Wedding : Ashley + James

Delaney House Wedding >    It was a chilly and windy fall day in October when Ashley + James were married at the Delaney House in Holyoke. Their day began at the D Hotel where Ashely had [...]