Backyard Wedding : Michele + Andy

Backyard Wedding > Michele and Andy had an amazing backyard wedding recently behind their new home, and were joined by family and friends who shared the day with them. We began the day with a [...]

Helping the local photography scene.

This week I hosted a get together with a few local photographers who came by the studio to chat and hear a talk by Northampton-based attorney Mikal Weiss. He spoke on ways to set up and run a [...]

Speaking with other photographers.

This week I had the pleasure of hosting a get together in my studio with nearly two dozen other local photographers. After some snacks and beverages (and really, what’s a get together [...]’s Top 10 of 2010!

I am honored and humbled that my photographs from the Ultimate Prom Contest are among of their Top 10 Photo Galleries of 2010. You can see’s list here, and my [...]

Red Barn Amherst Wedding : Tamar + Kris

Red Barn Amherst Wedding >  I started photographing Tamar and Kris’ wedding day at the Black Walnut Inn in Amherst, and from there we drove to Amherst Center to take in a local arts [...]